Overcoming Perfectionism Through Embracing Humility | @trackstarz @intercession4ag
Perfectionists can be stressed out people because perfectionists often keep up appearances to be approved by others. They embrace the pride from their works of perfection to be accepted. When they do well, they feel good about themselves. When they fail at their efforts; they feel as if they aren’t good enough. Perfectionists have inner […]
Single Versus Married | @trackstarz @intercession4ag
I’ve been single for a while now. I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about it. It’s just my life and I am happy with it. Recently I discovered some people weren’t as happy with my singleness as I am. I had no idea my single status had such an effect on others. Apparently, […]
Was Will’s Response to Chris Rock’s Joke Protection of Black Women? | @intercession4ag @trackstarz
There has been a lot of chatter about the whole Will Smith slapping Chris Rock all week at the Oscar. One consistent theme is viewing Will Smith’s response to that of protecting Black women. I disagree with this interpretation and here is why. In real life, a man resulting to violence to protect a woman […]
Overcoming the Fear of Man: | @trackstarz @intercession4ag
Last week we discussed the fear of man. We discussed the fear of man operating in religious people who seek to confine others to their understandings, personal convictions, and lifestyles. This is indeed a form of bondage that prevents us from being ourselves and causes us to walk in disobedience toward God by obeying the […]
The Deceitfulness of Riches | @intercession4ag @trackstarz
The Bible talks about the deceitfulness of riches and its ability to choke the Word of God out of us. At that point, the Word of God is no longer our focus, but other things that we deem more important. But the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other […]
3 Tests Singleness Present |@intercession4ag @russelynwilliams @trackstarz
Singleness presents 3 tests that we must overcome to walk in wholeness as single believers. Facing these challenges like Jesus did in Luke 4 will give us the tools needed to see our current situation properly and walk in confidence that God is faithful to keep his promises to us as singles. Singleness provides the […]
5 Reasons Why You Should Pick Up Propaganda’s “Terraform” Book | @prophiphop @kennyfresh1025 @refresherpoint @trackstarz
Jason Petty AKA Propaganda released his book Terraform back in June. He’s been prepping his fans for the release of this book for at least a year. With an EP of the same name, Prop’s book takes the reader/listener across the full spectrum of what it means to build a better world. I’ve been a […]
Getting To Know L3XDIVINE Interview Pt.2 | @l3xdivine @kennyfresh1025 @trackstarz
Last time we sat down with L3XDIVINE, she was telling us about her start with Christian Hip Hop and making music period. You can check out part one here. Today, we talk about one of her earliest records, the focus on the spiritual side of things in her music, and her acceptance within the Christian […]
3 Lessons We Can Learn From the Life of Chadwick Boseman | @trackstarz @intercession4ag
I’ve always loved Chadwick as an actor, but I will be honest. I did not know how awesome he was as a whole person until after he passed away. I began watching several videos of him online and each one ministered something awesome to my spirit. I share below 3 lessons I’ve noted from him […]
Why I Agree that Some Single Women Do Not Care to Take Accountability | @intercession4ag @trackstarz
Recently, I was made aware of a show called “The Talk Back” series by Poet Ezekiel Azonwu. He has a YouTube channel called “The Azonwus” where his series can be watched. It’s an experiment where there are three urban men and three urban women who are seated with their backs turned toward one another. They […]