Defense Mechanisms in the Personality That Push Others Away:| @intercession4ag @trackstarz
Sometimes when we have un-dealt with insecurities or anxieties, we attempt to protect ourselves with defense mechanisms. I’ve seen this in some people who are close to me, and even in myself. Some people joke around more than normal when they are anxious as a defense mechanism. Sometimes, the joking may even seem annoying because […]
MOOD | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What’s going on everyone!! Man, I’m in a whole mood today!! I just feel happy and wanted to bring that to everyone today!! I watched silly videos on YouTube, and it got me thinking: why do we let things get us down, to the point that we live from a place of negativity?? Like, I […]
How to Prepare, Show up, and Leave Room for God | @gritandvirtue @trackstarz
I’m writing to you from Philadelphia today! It’s my hometown and where our families live. While working in a coffee shop yesterday, a random conversation started with a man who we were sharing a table with. He went on to share how God brought him through drug addiction and has called him into ministry, where […]
Money Series Part III: Sowing & Reaping| @intercession4ag, @trackstarz
When I was a teenager, I always had everything I needed, and what I did not have, God made a way for me to have. I would sow from the little that I got. If I had $5, I sometimes gave the whole $5 away. To others, it was sowing small, but to God, it […]
Blessed to be a Blessing | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What’s going on everyone!! Man, this week I honestly didn’t know what I wanted to write about, but then last night happened. This week, I want to dig into how we are blessed to be a blessing, meaning that God has given us so much, it’s only right that we bless other people and help […]
Money Series Part II: Leaving Beneath Our Means |@intercession4ag @trackstarz
Living beneath my means is something I learned from my parents. They had 5 kids plus my elder sister who was still-born. Because my parents had to raise 5 kids they could not spend up all of their money on whatever they wanted because they had responsibility. Therefore, they’d save money by spending less. Living […]
Peace… Be Still | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What is going on everyone!! So for this week, I was challenged by my mentor to be more disciplined in my bible reading. That is a whole part two message about reading our bibles haha. But for now, I want to gather us around the idea of being at peace in Christ, and not overcomplicating […]
Forming Habits for Healthy Emotional Management – Part II| @intercession4ag @trackstarz
Repressed Emotions Continuing on key points learned from Joyce’s book on managing our emotions; she discusses repressed emotions: “People who repress pain and never learn to deal with it properly eventually explode or implode, and neither one is a good choice.” I personally believe that some of the mental illness and depression that we […]
The Holy Place | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What’s going on everyone!! I hope the week is going well so far. It’s crazy, God has been blowing my mind lately in regards to reverence and how the presence of God is a holy place. It’s not just a feeling or emotion, but it’s a place of power and confidence that we live from. […]
Money Series Part I: The Purpose of Money |@intercession4ag @trackstarz
In a world where being a boss and making mad dollars is highly praised; we have to be careful to have the right perspective on money or else we may end up doing without it or getting it in a way that brings trouble on us. So many people make money their god. They work […]