The Non-Existence of Dating… | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

From personal experience, dating God’s way often means long periods of not dating at all. When was the last time you’ve been on a date? Be honest. There is nothing to be ashamed of if you have not dated in a while. I used to be ashamed of not having gone on a date in […]

Fatherhood: This Is Legacy | @trackstarz @coachdpolite

I woke up early one morning, struggling through life. I began to mourn the loss of my grandfather all over again. I felt weak and wished he was alive to give me some advice—some strength. My grandfather, along with my grandmother, raised me. Losing him was akin to losing a father. That morning, I penned […]

10 Things Artist’s Should Do During Quarantine | @luckymurray @trackstarz

10 Things Artist’s Should Do During Quarantine | @luckymurray @trackstarz

TZ Guest Writer Article by Luck Murray April 2020 We are in quarantine from COVID-19 (coronavirus). Like most artists, you are probably out of work, and you are at home. During this quarantine, here are ten things you should do inorder to capitalize on your time at home. These are in no particular order, but […]

Patterns of the Heart: Conversations | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

This blog post is a video of an interview that I did with Camille of Purely Bacherlorette on my latest book, “Patterns of the Heart: Discernment in Choosing a Potential Spouse.” I share regarding my journey as a 37-year-old virgin and single Christian woman, and how I learned to accept myself, overcame brokenness due to […]

It’s All About Me | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

What is going on everyone!! I hope everyone is staying safe and being cautious during this season! This week, I want to dig into a touchy subject that affects us all in some way or another. Today, we are dealing with SELFISHNESS. It is crazy that selfishness affects us in so many ways, and it […]