The Root of Racism | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What is going on everyone!! I hope everyone is doing good this week!! In light of some situations that have happened recently, I wanted today into the root of racism. I believe that this is a very relevant issue in our lives, and we see plenty of examples of our need for change and growth […]
The Big Decision | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What’s going on everyone!! Man, this week has been CRAZY!! I had a huge day Sunday, and then my birthday was Tuesday, and I mainly want to hone in on Sunday. I got baptized!! It was a big decision for me, just like it is for anyone who takes the step of baptism. It is […]
MOOD | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What’s going on everyone!! Man, I’m in a whole mood today!! I just feel happy and wanted to bring that to everyone today!! I watched silly videos on YouTube, and it got me thinking: why do we let things get us down, to the point that we live from a place of negativity?? Like, I […]
Blessed to be a Blessing | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What’s going on everyone!! Man, this week I honestly didn’t know what I wanted to write about, but then last night happened. This week, I want to dig into how we are blessed to be a blessing, meaning that God has given us so much, it’s only right that we bless other people and help […]
The Holy Place | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What’s going on everyone!! I hope the week is going well so far. It’s crazy, God has been blowing my mind lately in regards to reverence and how the presence of God is a holy place. It’s not just a feeling or emotion, but it’s a place of power and confidence that we live from. […]
Food For The Soul | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What is going on everyone!! So this week. I just wanted to talk about a different way to experience God. I want to submit to you all that we should experience God like food. That’s right, food. Track with me, and I hope by the end of this, we can all learn something about growing […]
Love God, Love People | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What is going on everyone!! So, this week, I was reading over this scripture in Mark where Jesus talks about the greatest two commandments that we should follow. Jesus says that, “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with […]
The Beauty of the Comma | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
Hey everyone, I am so sorry I have been ghost the past couple of weeks. I just needed some time to re-center and get motivated again, but we’re back!! This week, I want to talk about how our story doesn’t end when disappointment comes. When we get let down, disappointed, and even brokenhearted, God is […]
Time DOES NOT Heal All!! | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What is going on everyone!! I know I have been ghost on here lately, but I am coming back with a vengeance!! I’m sure we have all heard that statement, “time heals all”. I actually don’t believe that statement is true. Time itself doesn’t heal relationships. It doesn’t heal or mend wounds. Time should be […]
Prayer: Intimate Communication | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What’s going on everyone. The article this week is tough for me. It’s tough because the very thing I’m writing about is something I’ve been honestly struggling with recently. I’ve noticed that I have been putting prayer time with God on the back burner. I honestly hate that I’ve been neglecting communicating with God, but […]