IMAGINE #CHHSexism | ‪@wsperspectives @trackstarz ‬

IMAGINE #CHHSexism | ‪@wsperspectives @trackstarz ‬

NOTE: This is not necessarily a reflection of Trackstarz but solely of the writer. So I came across this hashtag #CHHSexism and apparently its been gaining steam the last few days with an onslaught of artists, fans, and people in between chiming in. Reading across these tweets showed me how much of an issue this […]

How Should You Deal With Fear of The Future? | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

How Should You Deal With Fear of The Future? | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you. – Isaiah 26:3 There is a steadfastness that God desires to get us to. God improves our steadfastness by allowing us to go through trials and tribulations that force us to a place of seeking God that requires us […]

Sam Ock Drops New Album ‘Style Book’ | @samuleock @goodfruitco @trackstarz

Sam Ock Drops New Album ‘Style Book’ | @samuleock @goodfruitco @trackstarz

Singer Songwriter Samuel Ock has been on a roll in regards to releasing dope music that gives you “the feels” and today is no exception. The Good Fruit Co. artist released his third full length album ‘Style Book’ today! Sam Ock is somewhat of a Renaissance man in regards to his artistry, as it seems […]