United We Stand, Divided We Fall | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

United We Stand, Divided We Fall | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

What is going on everyone!! So this week, I have just been thinking about how divided we are, especially amongst the faith community. It honestly discouraged me a lot because if we are going to reach people for Jesus, we need to be unified in our mind and hearts. We can’t expect anyone to want […]

A Whole Other Level of Confidence & Faith in God| @Trackstarz @Intercession4ag

I’ve been meditating all week on embracing my weakness for acquaintance with God’s power and a whole other level of faith. According to the below scripture, God wants our faith not to simply rest on wisdom from men, but on his power: My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but […]

A Higher Purpose | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

What’s going on everyone!! So, this week, I was just thinking on this topic line: There is so much more to Jesus than just being saved from hell. We weren’t just saved so that we could avoid eternal wrath. Our thinking needs to be elevated. The whole reason Jesus came to earth, was so that […]

Death as a Catalyst for Change| @Trackstarz @Intercession4ag

Did you know that death can be used as a catalyst? What is a catalyst? A catalyst is something that provokes action or change. One of the best examples of this is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who was assassinated April 4th, 1968. Just 7 days after his death, congress pushed out the 1968 Fair […]

Thoughts For A Young Preacher pt. 2 | @coachdpolite @trackstarz

A little while ago, I jotted down a few of my thoughts about preaching the Gospel as a young preacher. You can find pt. 1 of this series here. I began as a young preacher, in my early twenties, and have been preaching for over 14 years now. I have had my share of ups […]

Dear “Christians” Pt. 4 | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

Dear “Christians” Pt. 4 | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

  What’s going on everyone!! So, this post will be long, so forgive me. There is a topic that needs to be addressed, especially in the Christian community, and that topic is homosexuality. I really hope we all, myself included, grasp the importance of how to actually be a Christian, instead of just claiming the […]

The Big Decision | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

The Big Decision | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

What’s going on everyone!! Man, this week has been CRAZY!! I had a huge day Sunday, and then my birthday was Tuesday, and I mainly want to hone in on Sunday. I got baptized!! It was a big decision for me, just like it is for anyone who takes the step of baptism. It is […]