Kidd GotIt Drops New Single | Back Now | @kiddgotit

Kidd GotIt Drops New Single  | Back Now | @kiddgotit

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New Year, New Me…But WHY? | Blog| @ryguy92 @trackstarz

New Year, New Me…But WHY? | Blog| @ryguy92 @trackstarz

It’s that time of year y’all. Christmas is over, and the New Year is about to begin. You know what that means??? All of the “New Year New Me” posts. Already on my Facebook feed, I am seeing people post things saying, “next year I am going to be…” you can fill in the blank […]

Roots EP Review| Album Reviews| @intellect3n1 @kennyfresh_1914 @trackstarz

Roots EP Review| Album Reviews| @intellect3n1 @kennyfresh_1914 @trackstarz

2016 has been a good year for music and the Roots EP is no exception. Released around the end of November. iNTELLECT comes with a style that’s comparable to the Boom Bap Era, and it’s clear that his influences hail from the late 1990s to the 2000s. This EP is straight Hip-Hop, it’s so boom […]