Dear “Christians” Pt. 4 | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What’s going on everyone!! So, this post will be long, so forgive me. There is a topic that needs to be addressed, especially in the Christian community, and that topic is homosexuality. I really hope we all, myself included, grasp the importance of how to actually be a Christian, instead of just claiming the […]
The Big Decision | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What’s going on everyone!! Man, this week has been CRAZY!! I had a huge day Sunday, and then my birthday was Tuesday, and I mainly want to hone in on Sunday. I got baptized!! It was a big decision for me, just like it is for anyone who takes the step of baptism. It is […]
Faith Over Feelings | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What is going on everyone!! Man, this week, God put something in my heart to share. Simply put, the truth of what God says about us should override the temporary emotions and feelings we have that contradict. What that means is, is that when we don’t “feel” worthy of God’s love, His love steps in […]
Honest Thoughts | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What is going on everyone!! Let’s just be honest. Sometimes, the process is very difficult. Lately, I have been frustrated YET AGAIN with not being where I want to be. Certain things in my life are progressing and moves are being made, but in other areas, I just want to ‘arrive’. I get so frustrated […]
God Loves the Creative | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What’s going on everyone!! So, this week, I’ve been digging more into creative ventures. Shameless plug: I’m creating this YouTube series called ‘The Dig,’ where I dig into scripture and explain the relevance to everyday life!! I’m super excited about it and it’s a new direction, and I’ve never done something like this before. Then, […]
If You Love Your Life, You Will Lose It….. WHAT???? | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
Hey what’s going on everyone!! So, a couple days ago, I was reading in the book of John, and Jesus said something that I didn’t quite understand right away. He says, ““Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life” (John 12:25). When I […]
Don’t Be Afraid of the Lows | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What’s going on everyone!! This week has honestly sucked for me. I found out that my grandmother passed away. She was one of the main people that raised me, and to find out she was gone wrecked me. Work the next day was terrible. It was like every interaction with my customers was a negative […]
Courage In The Midst of Trial | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
Whats up everyone? I am having quite the week and am ready for Thanksgiving break. Something my girlfriend has been challenging me to think about is courage. It’s something we all have, whether we know it or not. Some people come roaring in like a lion, others are small and timid like a lamb. Jesus […]
Blessed to be a Blessing | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What’s going on everyone!! Man, this week I honestly didn’t know what I wanted to write about, but then last night happened. This week, I want to dig into how we are blessed to be a blessing, meaning that God has given us so much, it’s only right that we bless other people and help […]
Peace… Be Still | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What is going on everyone!! So for this week, I was challenged by my mentor to be more disciplined in my bible reading. That is a whole part two message about reading our bibles haha. But for now, I want to gather us around the idea of being at peace in Christ, and not overcomplicating […]