Single Ladies, Are You Ready For This Responsibility in Marriage? – Part 5| @intercession4ag @trackstarz
A Modern Day Example of a Test of Submission in a Marriage Relationship: Let’s take the below scenario as an example of how a woman can apply this principle in marriage. Remember we want a husband who is submitted to the Lord already and this will minimize disagreements. However, let’s say a woman’s husband picks […]
Single Ladies, Are You Ready for This Responsibility in Marriage? – Part IV| @intercession4ag @trackstarz
Trusting in Our Husbands Does not Mean We Lose Our Voice As Women. This does not mean that Sarah did not say anything about the situation or present an alternate idea. We don’t know that because it isn’t mentioned in scripture. What we do know is that she submitted to him. My point here is that […]
Single Ladies, Are You Ready for This Responsibility in Marriage? – Part 3| Blog| @intercession4ag @trackstarz
Our example Sarah, stayed in subjection to Abraham, covered his insecurity through submission, and the outcome because of her obedience was well. Abraham and Sarah are traveling through a foreign land. Abraham comes up with the idea for Sarah to say that she is his sister because he is afraid the king of the foreign […]
Single Ladies, Are You Ready For This Responsibility in Marriage?- Part 2 (Quiet Spirit)| Blog| @intercession4ag @trackstarz
Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. – 1 Peter 3:3-4 (NLT) In other words… A quiet spirit is a disposition of […]
Single Ladies: Are You Ready For This Responsibility in Marriage? – Part 1 of 5| Blog| @intercession4ag @trackstarz
As women, it’s easy to concentrate on the glitz and glamour of romance in a God-fulfilling relationship with a man, but the presentation of a godly relationship presents more than the lovely opportunity to love and be loved. It presents an opportunity for the man and woman to put into operation the picture of Christ […]
Caught Up with the Wrong Crowd | @xbelle3 @trackstarz
Sometimes we can get caught up with the wrong people. Trust me, I understand. However, don’t feel like you have to continue in a relationship/friendship with someone you shouldn’t have gotten connected with in the first place. Maybe you feel conflicted to leave because you have invested much time and money. Is it a friend […]
Why Dating a Person With a Religious Spirit is Just as Bad as Dating a Worldy Person| Blog| @intercession4ag @trackstarz
The religious person has the appearance of being in Christ. However, instead of abiding in Christ which means to be so submitted to Christ that a person commits to the process of being a true believer. This process includes a willingness to be led by the Spirit of God and the word of God. Also, […]
Relationships > Networking | Business With Bordeaux | Blog | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
This week on the Business with Bordeaux podcast I shared a little about my journey thus far. One of the biggest lessons for me is building relationships. There have been a few people who have been helping me connect with other Christian business owners and I am super grateful for that. In order for that […]
Why You Must See ‘The Shack’| Movie Review| @theshackmovie @korthwest @trackstarz
Less than an hour ago, I walked out of a movie (when it was over :)) and I feel like I am floating. My heart is so full and my love for God is on a different level. The movie didn’t make this change/shift, God did. He spoke to my heart, my mind and my […]
Wounds From A Friend| Blog| @trackstarz
As I lay here in bed, a friend entered my thoughts. Feelings of frustration, disappointment and hurt quickly rose up.Thoughts such as “I can’t believe he said that to me!” and “Who does he think he is!” started firing off- all of them blazing back at me. I realized I was holding a huge and […]