Green Arrow vs Hawkeye | Does Jesus Want Us Broke, Sick, and Unsuccessful | @solomonsporchp1 @solomonsporchpodcast @trackstarz

There has always been a debate on how our lives are suppose to look as followers of Christ. Jason and Shawn toss their hat into the debate on whether or not Jesus wants us to be sick, broke, or/and unsuccessful. This weeks Who vs Who are the archery heros Green Arrow vs Hawkeye. Let us […]
Prayer Is Still Useful | @kennyfresh1025 @refresherpoint @trackstarz

As a Christian the title should be obvious, but I don’t know if it is. Some are recognizing that this period of COVID-19 could be God trying to slow us down, but are we really utilizing this time as God wants? I don’t believe God gave us all this time just to fill it with […]
Perspective Is Everything | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What is going on everyone!! So, with all that is going on in our world, I just wanted to write about something that has been on my heart pretty heavily this past week. What has been on my heart is the word perspective. Perspective is an expressed point of view of how something is seen. […]
Mid-Week Encouragement | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What is going on everyone!! As I have been trying to figure out what I wanted to write about, I could not think of anything. I hit a wall. So, I asked God what He wanted me to say on here. I hope this helps you all like it is helping me as I write […]
Bizzle | “Devil’s Work (A Response) | @mynameisbizzle @trackstarz

As many have heard secular rapper Joyner Lucas recently dropped a video for a song called “Devil’s Work (ADHD).” The song is a prayer from Joyner where he questions God why do the “good” people die. Many questioned should a Christian artist make a response track to this song. Well while some were wondering if […]
What Exactly is Fatih? | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What is going on everyone!! So, for this week, I want to talk about faith. Faith is a widely talked about topic in church, as well as in the religious communities as a whole, but I want to really dig into what faith is. I hear people ask, “Ryan, what is faith?” and, “what is […]
Prayer: Intimate Communication | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

What’s going on everyone. The article this week is tough for me. It’s tough because the very thing I’m writing about is something I’ve been honestly struggling with recently. I’ve noticed that I have been putting prayer time with God on the back burner. I honestly hate that I’ve been neglecting communicating with God, but […]
Kingdom Focused #TBT | @youngjoshua86 @damo_seayn3d @trackstarz

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:33 NLT I have to say we definitely live in a day and time with lots of distractions. The internet and social media give us 24 hour access to information like we never had before. […]
Talking ‘Bout Crae | @coachdpolite @lecrae @djwadeo @trackstarz

Over the years, we have heard critique after critique of Lecrae Moore. Maybe some of it was valid and maybe some of it has not been. But, I am not here to really argue that. At the same time, I am not a Lecrae “stan,” so in no way am I saying that he is […]
Birthday Prayer| Blog| @coachdpolite @trackstarz

I celebrated a birthday a few weeks ago and a sister-in-CHRIST left me this prayer. May it bless you as it has blessed me: May you have a happy birthday, filled with God’s presence and grace. May your understanding of others and their cultures increase, and enable you to build bridges for the purpose of […]