Mike E Shares Why He Is Comfortable Being “Weird” | @mikeeisel7 @trackstarz

WEIRD & PECULIAR is a burning light that will affect dark places of self-hatred, oppressive thinking, and feelings of no self-worth. It’s filled with hard hitting truths that can transform lives. The entire experience is a journey to freedom. MIKE E wants the listener to learn to be bold in being who God created them to be. To understand that different and originality […]
“Clean Money” Is A Tribute To All Those Hustling And Grinding In A Godly Manner | @trackstarz

“Clean Money” is a single for the working people, the entrepreneurs, the business owners, those that honor God with their giving, the tither, and for anyone that is trying to get away from the the evil way of getting finances. It is a testimonial song of how God can give you abundant life after saying […]
Jeremiah Bligen Teams Up With Dre Murray and L3XDIVINE For His New Single “Throne” | @jeremiahbligen @dremurray22 @l3xdivine @trackstarz

“Throne celebrates the supremacy of the God of the Bible in a time where political tension and leadership failure is widespread across the land. It’s a reminder that while we are certainly impacted by the authorities/leaders in place, as well as the condition of the land – we are found in the Grace of the […]
FiveTwenty Collective: Season One | Ep. 04 @iNTELLECT3N1 @DadbyFaith @EricBoston3 @Iam_NateDogg @FiveTwentyCHH

On Season One | Ep. 04 of the FiveTwenty Collective Podcast: Listen and breakdown the debut of the single “Blast Off” by iNTELLECT featuring Philip Anthony Industry Insider Interview with Josh Galla of New Release Today Sponsors: The Bookkeeper247, Show Me Christ Records, LilRed Music by DJ Barrcode “Where music meets MINISTRY and the […]
Soulwinna1 Is Challenging The Status Quo With His Song “Aim High” | @soulwinna1 @trackstarz

In a society where standards are either nonexistent or have been lowered Robert Hillman aka Soulwinna1 is challenging the status quo with his song Aim High. What solution do we have and do our youth have any alternatives to the godless ways pushed on our culture? You don’t have to be a drug dealer, ball […]