My Journey With The Dark Man | @coachdpolite @trackstarz

Dark Man X. Wow. I do not remember my introduction to DMX. I cannot remember the first song I heard or anything like that. However, I do remember when “It’s Dark and Hell Is Hot” came out, he went right to the top of my list of favorite artists. His gritty, raspy-voiced, no-nonsense lyricism captivated […]
Green Arrow vs Hawkeye | Does Jesus Want Us Broke, Sick, and Unsuccessful | @solomonsporchp1 @solomonsporchpodcast @trackstarz

There has always been a debate on how our lives are suppose to look as followers of Christ. Jason and Shawn toss their hat into the debate on whether or not Jesus wants us to be sick, broke, or/and unsuccessful. This weeks Who vs Who are the archery heros Green Arrow vs Hawkeye. Let us […]
DMX Shares The Gospel On The Breakfast Club|@DMX @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

DMX was probably my first favorite Christian rapper. Someone will disagree with him being termed a Christian rapper due to content of many of his songs. If that title doesn’t fit, then he is a rapper who is Christian. He has had many songs talking about his faith in years past with my favorite being […]