CHH and the Myth of Accountability | @trackstarz @kennyfresh_1914

CHH and the Myth of Accountability | @trackstarz @kennyfresh_1914

What does it mean to hold someone accountable? Is there a qualifier that makes you a good candidate to be an accountability partner? I was unfamiliar with the concept of accountability before I started to listen to Christian Hip Hop but now I believe I grasp the concept. Being accountable to another person from what […]

“Secular” Collaborations in CHH |@trackstarz @kennyfresh_1914

“Secular” Collaborations in CHH |@trackstarz @kennyfresh_1914

Quit your job. I need you, the reader of this article, to quit your job. Tell your employer that you can no longer “sit in the seat of the scornful,” cannot mix light and dark, and can’t work with secular people. You have no prospects of a job but now you can breathe easy because […]

Money Is A Tool (@jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz)

Money Is A Tool (@jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz)

In today’s church I hear so much talk against money. It seems as if money in itself is evil and should be avoided at all cost. If any churches have an abundance of money than they are often deemed as crooked. Should it be that way? How can we change the thought of money in […]

What’s In A Label? | @trackstarz @kennyfresh_1914

What’s In A Label? | @trackstarz @kennyfresh_1914

In the beginning there was music, and then there was rap music, followed by Christians doing rap music. Somewhere along the line the title “Christian Rapper” was made and all was seemingly right with the world; until some Christians were doing rap and just wanted to be known as rappers they just happened to be […]

Heart Check | @trackstarz @Intercession4aG

Heart Check | @trackstarz @Intercession4aG

I love to do something called a heart check periodically. A heart check is a check of how tuned in my heart’s affections are toward the things of God. Most importantly, how in tuned my heart’s affections are toward the greatest commandment: He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with […]

The Quandary of Desperation (@thisisraysurnet @trackstarz @transparencytm)

The Quandary of Desperation (@thisisraysurnet @trackstarz @transparencytm)

The bad thing about physical vision is that it can be misleading. The face that others put on as they prepare for their day can often mislead others to thinking that there is no danger residing in their mind. Desperation is a place that few have been, and survived. The end result of poverty, depression, […]

Remember Your Priority As The Lord Elevates You| @Intercession4aG @trackstarz

Remember Your Priority As The Lord Elevates You| @Intercession4aG @trackstarz

Beware of unnecessary distractions as the Lord promotes. I have to remind myself, as I have just recently released a book not to take my focus off of God’s assignment for me. Over-busy schedules, and unfounded judgments from others are two of the major things that Satan uses to distract us from what we are […]

My Name Is Pride | @BethMooreLPM @korthwest @trackstarz

My Name Is Pride | @BethMooreLPM @korthwest @trackstarz

My name is Pride. I am a cheater. I cheat you of your God-given destiny…because you demand your own way. I cheat you of contentment…because you “deserve better than this.” I cheat you of knowledge…because you already know it all. I cheat you of healing…because you’re too full of me to forgive. I cheat you […]