Text Has No Tone| #MarriageMonday| @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz

Text Has No Tone| #MarriageMonday| @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz

  In a previous Marriage Monday, we spoke on Tone. We talked about how important it is to watch how you talk to your spouse. This week, we will not be talking about how you talk… but how you text your spouse. There is an important thing to remember when you are dealing with Texting. […]

Plan For Success With Advisers | #MarriageMonday | @chicangeorge @trackstarz

Plan For Success With Advisers | #MarriageMonday | @chicangeorge @trackstarz

      Proverbs 15:22– ” Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” Many of us come from dysfunctional families. Whether it was because of divorce or lack of our parents understanding their roles as a spouse/parent , the majority of us (according to several polls, stats and personal experiences) […]

Talk, Tone, Truth |Marriage Monday| @chicangeorge @trackstarz

Talk, Tone, Truth  |Marriage Monday| @chicangeorge @trackstarz

  Arguments and disagreements will happen within all marriages. One of the keys to having less or rarely any, is by understanding how you are coming across with your communication. Here are three “T’s“ to think about when you are having a disagreement: Talk– Are you Talking and listening or are you just waiting to Talk? Tone– […]