Text Has No Tone| #MarriageMonday| @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz


In a previous Marriage Monday, we spoke on Tone. We talked about how important it is to watch how you talk to your spouse. This week, we will not be talking about how you talk… but how you text your spouse. There is an important thing to remember when you are dealing with Texting. It has no tone. We have to look at this from both perspectives.

From the receiving side– We can’t get upset or “read words that weren’t typed” as though they were being said or thought.

From the giving side– Make sure that you add some emotion to your text. Whether it is a emjo, a LOL or some cute code word you guys have, you need to put it in every one of your texts. This shows them that you care and it creates a new level of excitement when they get your text. Also, don’t type anything emotional that you wouldn’t want said to you. Think before you text.

Remember, you will be on both sides of the texting game. You create the tone to your text. Spread The Soup!