Show Your Emotions | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz
For many of us, showing emotions or being emotional may be hard for us to do. Whether you didn’t receive it growing up, left a bad relationship or have some other reason for not showing emotions, it can cause confusion and frustration in your marriage. By not showing emotion, it can cause resentment or lack […]
Your Spouse is your Small Group | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz
For Christians, Small Groups are essential with growth in our spiritual walks. It wasn’t until I got to The Church at Chapel Hill that I realized it’s importance. Small groups are a great place to connect with others and at the same time, follow Jesus. Small Groups focus on developing stronger disciples through spending weekly […]
Be Real About The Rules | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz
All marriages have disagreements. Over half of them could have been avoided with two simple things. Those two things are communication and rules. We must learn that we can’t get mad at our spouse over a standard that hasn’t been established yet. Some of our spouses came from different cultures and rules. Some may […]
Share Your Story |@Chicangeorge @Trackstarz #MarriageMonday
One of the purposes of #MarriageMonday is to help spread encouraging information to married and soon to be married couples. Within the previous weeks, I have been able to mentor and speak to couples that are preparing to get married. One of the best things that we (Married couples) can do is give wisdom and […]
Don’t Play The Blame Game| @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz
Disagreements are going to happen in marriage. Some of them will be huge and some will be small. One of the biggest things to fan the flame within those fights is to start playing the “Blame Game.” This is a game that no one wins at the end. It could possibly waste time, energy […]
Look At This, Not That| @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz #MarriageMonday
It is so easy for us to look and stare at our spouse’s flaws. Temptations and our personal lusts want us to question their qualities. We are to focus on their best qualities. If we do that, the scale will always have more weight on the good side rather than the bad. Ways that can […]
Honor to a Higher Place| @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz #MarriageMonday
Can’t Have One Without The Other | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz
When you decided to become married to your spouse, you decided to become one. Even the bible tells us that we leave our families to become one with our spouse in Genesis 2:24. With that being said, both of you are a team. If someone doesn’t like a certain player on the team, their opinion […]
I’m Going To Love You By The End Of The Night| @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz #MarriageMonday
Taking the same concept from our weekly #52verses52weeks , we will be focusing on Ephesians 4:26. It states, “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,” which is a very important verse when dealing with a marriage. We will have times where we get angry […]
Celebrate with a Purpose| #MarriageMonday | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz
There are several accomplishments that you or your spouse will make throughout your omarriage. Whenever your spouse completes one of those accomplishments, make sure that you celebrate them for it. You should be the first person to celebrate your spouse. Whether it’s something small or big, celebrate them. Also, if you have kids, make sure […]