Can’t Have One Without The Other | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz


When you decided to become married to your spouse, you decided to become one. Even the bible tells us that we leave our families to become one with our spouse in Genesis 2:24. With that being said, both of you are a team. If someone doesn’t like a certain player on the team, their opinion usually reflects that about the whole team. Where am I going with this? If someone who is your family member, friend or co-worker has a problem with your spouse… then they have a problem with you. It is up to you to try to communicate to that person or people who your spouse is your team-mate. If they can’t understand and respect that, then it is time to cut that relationship/relationslip. By keeping that relationship, you could be causing friction amongst your spouse/teammate. Remember, you can’t have a relationship with one half of the team and not the other. Spread The Soup!