Honor to a Higher Place| @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz #MarriageMonday

This week, I’m speaking more so to the ladies. With Father’s day around the corner, we hear and see so many things of men not being who they should be in relationships. I can’t speak for every relationship and circumstance, but I can speak as a man. Men desire honor. We can get it from different places, but the best and most sacred place to receive it is from our wives. The more honor a wife has for her husband, the more he wants to live up to that standard she has of him. The idea of knowing your wife has true respect for you, makes men want to rise to every occasion that presents to amaze her. If you don’t feel like you’re getting the best out of your husband, then have a mirror moment and ask “Have I shown him that I truly honor and respect him lately?” Men will go higher in their purpose and role as a husband when honor is involved. Spread The Soup!