Happy New Year!
It’s 2018. The new year is here. 2017 was a long year. It had its ups and downs, but every year does. Each year you could look at as a long version of any day you have. Each with its own set of obstacles, difficulties, challenges and victories. Some big and some small, but they are there. We have to face each of them.
The challenges make you stronger. The victories keep you encouraged and motivated to carry on. When you would quit, you get strengthened to press forward a little further. The challenges help to build and develop things in you. They’re difficult and even hurt, but they build up things in you that you will need for the journey you’re on in Christ. Look at the apostle Peter said:
“These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.”
1 Peter 1:7 NLT
We shouldn’t dwell in our past, but every once in awhile we should just take a look back and see where we’ve come from. Look back and see the great things God has done. Don’t live there, but remember.
Some things have happened that we wish didn’t happen. Some things have happened that we’re glad about. Learn from both of them. Learn from the mistakes what not to do and that God is able to work despite your mistakes. Learn from the good things that God is to bring these good things into your life. Either way God is faithful.
Like I said, don’t live there. Don’t unpack everything and set up shop there. Reflect on it for a moment, but know that it’s over. You’re still here and God is still doing things in your life. God has a plan and He is faithful to complete it what He has started in you. Philippians 1:6 NLT http://bible.com/116/php.1.6.nlt
That leads us to our Throwback Song of the Week. This is from a group that had a little bit of mainstream success in the late 90’s into the 2000’s. The group is 4th Avenue Jones led by rapper Ahmad. Ahmad was known for his 90’s hip hop hit “Back In The Day.” Then he would go on to start what they would call the HipRockSoul group 4th Avenue Jones. A blend of hip hop, rock and soul music. This week’s song is entitled “It’s Over Now” and is from the group’s 2005 release “Stereo: The Evolution of HipRockSoul.”
Tune into the Trackstarz show this week to hear DJ Jeremaya spin this for the Throwback Song of the Day for the first show of the year. It’s a new year and Trackstarz is about to be lit! Stay tuned. Just as an added bonus here is a clip from our brother Devon Franklin to help encourage you. Until next time…
Peace and blessings,