Suave Sterling Dives Into Relationship Issues With “Might Just Don’t” | @trackstarz

“Might Just Don’t” is a song about Suave Sterling’s experience with heartbreak. Thinking you have found the person that you want to spend the rest of your life with, but that person not feeling the same way about you. A relatable feeling for many people, even those who are now in relationships who have had […]
Propaganda And Odd Thomas “Art Ambidextrious” 10 Years Later | @prophiphop @thomasjterry @kennyfresh1025 @trackstarz

Time flies when you’re busy living life. February 2, 2021, quietly came and went. For some that date may mean nothing but it marks the ten year anniversary of Propaganda and Odd Thomas’ project ‘Art Ambidextrious’ released on Humble Beast. Prop handled the lyrics and Thomas was on the beats. This was Prop’s first release […]