Happy Mother’s Day from the Trackstarz family 🌷 | @trackstarz
From all of the families here at Trackstarz we want wish all of the mamas, big mamas, aunties, women mentors and mother figures a HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! 🌷
Wande Releases First Episode of WIN Radio | @omgitswande @jackiehillperry @jamiegraceh @theerinnaffect @trackstarz
Wande AKA “5’2″ but got big bars,” continues to make moves and bring women to the forefront. She recently released the first episode of WIN(Wande Isola Network) Radio, where Wande has guests on her show and they talk about life and God. For her first episode she interviewed Jackie Hill Perry, Jamie Grace, and Erinn […]
Dee-1 | “Ready For You” Single | @dee1music @trackstarz
Dee-1 drops a little something for the ladies with his latest single “Ready For You”. A dedication to all of the ladies and all of the hard work they put in on the job, raising their children and impacting the community. It’s available now on all digital platforms.
“What’s On The Inside” #TBT | @theogtunnelrats @damo_seayn3d @trackstarz
“The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?” Jeremiah 17:9 NLT http://bible.com/116/jer.17.9.nlt We commonly hear listen to you heart. We hear sayings like, “Trust your gut” or “think long think wrong.” That’s one of my favorites. There is inside of an instinct […]
Journey to 30: A Single Woman’s Guide to Living Unapologetically | @intercession4ag @trackstarz
Journey to 30 is a book written by a brave young lady, Tatianah Green, who has been growing leaps and bounds. Instead of holding to the negative stereotypes that plague women as we approach the age of thirty; She has chosen to shift perspectives from worldly expectations that only lead to frustration to God’s expectations […]
The Intimidation of A Woman of Standard | @intercession4ag @trackstarz
An Honest Conversation on the Intimidation of a Woman of Standard Recently, I watched the season finale of “Growing Up Hip-Hop.” It is a show starring Romeo Miller, Master P’s son, Angela Simmons, Reverend Run’s daughter, and many other music industry young people. It was interesting to watch the development of Angela, who represented abstinence […]
I Don’t Need A Man to be Whole; I Need A Man Qualified To Walk With Me| @Intercession4aG @trackstarz
We as women have to remember our power of influence.We have the power and authority by God to change the course of a nation, household, life, and whatever we set our sights on. So, why do we set our sights so low regarding ourselves when it comes to getting a man? Just like Eve in […]