Faith Over Feelings | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

What is going on everyone!! Man, this week, God put something in my heart to share. Simply put, the truth of what God says about us should override the temporary emotions and feelings we have that contradict. What that means is, is that when we don’t “feel” worthy of God’s love, His love steps in […]
A Letter to the Unbeliever | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What is going on everyone!! Whether you have been tracking with my articles or not, I previously did a series of articles called “Dear Christians”. In this series, I essentially wrote letters from different perspectives. I would write them from Christians, to Christians, and so forth. This week, I want to flip it. I want […]
Beware of Distractions | @trackstarz @intercession4ag
The Bible warns against us allowing the cares of this life to choke the Word of God out of us. Thus, rendering us unable to produce the fruit in our lives that God has planted. There has been a lot of distractions in the daily media that can be used to choke the Word of […]
Living from Your Knees | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

What is going on everyone!! Just to be real and vulnerable with you all, this week was really hard in the aspect of finding the topic that I wanted to write about. Thank God for His Divine inspiration. This week, I want to dig into the topic of living life from our knees. I know […]
Will Smith- Christian Perspective | @itshillaryjane @trackstarz

” Will Smith has been on fire on the internet lately. I loved his Fault vs. Responsibility video he made…I wanted to add some truth to it. This one is for my fellow Christians. ” ~ Hillary Jane
Guard Your Intimate Relationship With God | @intercesstion4ag @trackstarz

Those who really know me know that my intimate relationship with God is the most important thing that I have. I emphasize intimate, meaning close. This is important because there are believers in Christ who are far from God, and believers in Christ who are close to God. I want to be one who is […]
Lecrae Speaks Facts In The Confessional On This Weeks RapCaviar | @lecrae @trackstarz

Check out Lecrae spit truth on this weeks RapCaviar.
Maintaining Humility And Thankfulness For Salvation | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

If anyone knows me, they know that I love to have a good conversation with others who share similar interests. Over the weekend, I was blessed to hang with some of my sisters in Christ. We attended a conference and went to lunch afterward. We sparked up a conversation about God’s grace, which put me […]
Midweek Encouragement | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

Hey, what’s up everyone!! So this week, I just wanted to encourage everyone around a couple of things. One thing is that God has His sovereign hand on our lives. That He desires for us to draw close to Him and in turn, He will draw close to us. I think God is saying to […]
Mark J – “National Anthem (Remix)” featuring 2nd Nature, J. Johnson, japhia Life, Lecrae, Promise D’Apostle, Swift, Shabach, Triumph & Truth| @damo_seayn3d @trackstarz

This has been a pretty hostile week in the life of CHH. Shai Linne releases a song firing shots at Lecrae and Reach Records. That is followed with essentially diss tracks from Ruslan and Hazakim. Well Ruslan’s song wasn’t really a diss track. Hazakim’s definitely was a diss track to Ruslan, but I digress. It’s […]