Don’t Waste Time| Blog| @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

Don’t Waste Time| Blog| @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

Our time is so precious. Yet, we waste so much of it. I’m preaching to myself on this one. I waste so much time on social media, being too cautious, and overthinking. Can anyone relate to that?? Well, when it comes to time, we shouldn’t waste it, because we don’t know how much of it […]

The Power of Your Story| Blog| @trackstarz @ryanmw92

Our stories have so much power. I know for me personally, I have been through so much in my somewhat short lifetime. I am a firm believer that our present mindsets are somewhat influenced by our past and circumstances that have happened to us. What I would like to encourage us all with, is that, […]