Tony Tillman Drops New Single “Granny’s Couch”| Music Leaks| @thetonytillman @rmgtweets @trackstarz
Tony has been steadily dropping dope singles over the past few months. This newest single “Granny’s couch” speaks to the narrative of those who feel stuck in their current situations. Everyone wants to move out of their parents’ house or “Granny’s Couch” but Tony speaks to the fact that chasing fast money isn’t the way […]
Canon Drops A New Single – “Fighters”| New Music| @getthecanon @rmgtweets @trackstarz
Canon drops a new single entitled “Fighters”. It is available now on SoundCloud, iTunes, Google Play and Spotify. Check it out and let us know what you think.
Derek Minor Drops A New Video – “Change The World” featuring Hollyn| Music Videos| @thederekminor @iamhollyn @rmgtweets @trackstarz
Derek Minor releases a new video for his single “Change The World” featuring singer Hollyn. Check it out and let us know what you think.
Tony Tillman Drops A New Single – “Thankful”| @thetonytillman @rmgtweets @trackstarz
RMG artist Tony Tillman drops a new single entitled “Thankful”. It is available on SoundCloud. Check it out and tell us what you think.
Twiceborn | Been Thru Audio | @iamTwiceborn @scottiewillisjr @theTonyTillman @trackstarz
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] “Been Thru” is a single ft. Tony Tillman, and Scottie Willis Jr. off Twiceborn’s upcoming project, “My Reality.” It’s a smooth laid back banger that reflects back on what we’ve been through, and the fact that we’ve been through/done with that lifestyle, and we’re now reflecting Christ. […]
Tony Tillman | Sell Out Audio | @thetonytillman @Jay_CardecDrums @rmgtweets @trackstarz
This song is about a time in Tony’s life where he felt like the biggest sell out of all time. He loved his set with everything he was, but is a new person now, and although he still loved them (and still do to this day) the new him could only love God with […]