Frederick Towles | The Financial Octagon | @mrtowles @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

Frederick Towles has written many books on finance and growing spiritually. This episode we discuss his newest book “The Financial Octagon”. We discuss investing, small business and artist business advice, and biblical wealth. If you want to become more financially literate, Fred Towles is the guy to talk to. Check out our conversation here. You […]
Risha Chesterfield | Marketing and Branding Consulting | @rishaleondra @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

Risha returns to the show to talk about her transition from RMG to going out on her own and starting her own business. She is now helping artists with branding and marketing and we dive into that in this episode. Here is the first interview with Risha Chesterfield:…eaux1-trackstarz/ Here is how you can personally connect with […]
Risha Chesterfield | RMG Marketing and Management | @rishaleondra @rmgtweets @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

One of the most important parts of an organization is the team behind the scenes. In this episode of the Business with Bordeaux Podcast I talk with RMG Co-manager Risha Chesterfield about what that looks like from day to day operations to marketing campaigns for album releases. She also shared some things that make RMG […]
Risha Chesterfield | RMG Marketing and Management | @rishaleondra @rmgtweets @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

One of the most important parts of an organization is the team behind the scenes. In this episode of the Business with Bordeaux Podcast I talk with RMG Co-manager Risha Chesterfield about what that looks like from day to day operations to marketing campaigns for album releases. She also shared some things that make RMG […]
Why Diversity Is Needed | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

I’ve been in a lot of discussions lately regarding perspectives and diversity. I remember when I started my current job at the hospital I work at, I was required to go to a diversity training seminar. This seminar focused on trying to be openmined to other cultures and practices that are different from our own. […]
Rare of Breed Full-Time Music | Business With Bordeaux Podcast | @rareofbreed @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

Rob Hardin aka Rare of Breed has become a full-time artist just recently. He shares some of his biggest transitions between working full-time for a company then going to work full-time for himself. He gets very transparent and shares his ups and downs during the transition. Come join him on his journey during this interview. […]
DJ Jeremaya | Business With Bordeaux Podcast | @iamjeremaya @trackstarz @jasonbordeaux1

This week I interviewed everybody’s favorite DJ from Trackstarz Radio show, DJ Jeremaya. He is the President of Trackstarz Music and has been DJ-ing for a long time now. We talked about branding, music business, and even discussed the process of the release of Sean David Grant’s album Wonder Years. Don’t miss this interview with […]
The Erinn Effect | Business With Bordeaux Podcast | @erinntsc @trackstarz @jasonbordeaux1

This week I have my first interview with a female entrepreneur on the show, Erinn Knight. Erinn has experience in promoting shows and managing bands/artists. She shares her journey from starting her first business at 8 years old to her current day business, The Erinn Effect. Take a few minutes to share this impactful journey […]
Business With Bordeaux Podcast | Marcus Carey | @marcusjcarey @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
This week we talk with Marcus Carey who went from high level security in the military to forming his own internet security business worth millions. He shares how God coordinated so many things throughout his journey and why he decided to go into business himself. This show is filled with great advice and suggestions […]
Don’t Ride The Wave | Business With Bordeaux | Blog | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
There have been countless times where I have heard this company is going to be the Uber of the food industry or another company is going to be the Airbnb of cars. So many new companies are trying to be the imitation of other successful companies. Most of those companies end up failing. This is […]