Alex Faith |Duffle Bag ft. Ki’shon| @alexfaithatl @kishonfurlow @trackstarz
Alex Faith has a 6 track EP titled Intruder set to be released Oct 7th. Earlier this month he drop his first single, Real Ones ft. Adan Bean. He just released his second single off the album featuring Ki’Shon titled Duffle Bag. When you preorder the album you get both tracks instantly. Click here to preorder and go ahead and […]
4 Upcoming projects I am looking forward to|@alexfaithatl @RuslanKD @thederekminor @armondwakeup @trackstarz
King’s Dream front man Ruslan is gearing up to drop Americana on Sept 30th (pre-orders get their copy today). I’m excited to see where this project goes, as Ruslan has been getting better with each release. I don’t know if I’m more excited about the production or the lyrics. Between the in house production […]