Single Christian’s Sexual Fears | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Single Christian’s Sexual Fears | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Single Christian’s Sexual Fears Some Christian’s sexual fears are no doubt challenging. These fears and anxieties have to be carefully navigated if one wants to be successful during the stage of singleness on to a healthy marriage. Below are some of the more recent fears I’ve been hearing about from guys and girls on Clubhouse […]

2018 Has Been a Year of Victory | @Intercession4ag @Trackstarz

Learned how to Receive I have been thankful all year round. This year has been a reminder of my personal worth. Sometimes, in life, we can get so busy running from one thing to the next serving others, taking care of business, and such that we lose sight of what’s really important. We are really […]

Behaviors of The Broken Vs. The Whole – Part IV (Comparison)

Behaviors of The Broken Vs. The Whole – Part IV (Comparison)

Full of Comparison The insecurity birthed out of one who leans to the flesh and to one’s own understanding; instead of what Jesus Christ says about him in his word, causes a comparison, and a constant need to attempt to measure up to a false standard that was never meant for them in the first […]