How Do You See Yourself??? | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

What is going on everyone!! Man, so this week, I have been thinking on the lines of, “how do I see myself”. I believe that everyone deals with this question in a major way. Our identities can stem from so many outlets. I know personally, that my identity could come from the past; it could […]
A New Level of Access & Favor | @Trackstarz @Intercession4ag
I’ve been meditating on Esther and Mordecai during my quiet time, and I really believe that God has been using that story to communicate to me that there is a new level of favor, access, and open doors coming to his people that are willing to take the risk of unconventional obedience. Unconventional obedience is […]
Trust God’s Plan for His Very Best for You| @Trackstarz @Intercession4ag
Yesterday, I was reminded of how specific the hand of God has been in my life. From the job I’ve had to the choice of man, God has allowed in my life. It simply reminds me to continue to rest in God as I trust his plan for me to be the best. God’s best […]