How Do You See Yourself??? | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

How Do You See Yourself??? | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

What is going on everyone!! Man, so this week, I have been thinking on the lines of, “how do I see myself”. I believe that everyone deals with this question in a major way. Our identities can stem from so many outlets. I know personally, that my identity could come from the past; it could […]

A New Level of Access & Favor | @Trackstarz @Intercession4ag

I’ve been meditating on Esther and Mordecai during my quiet time, and I really believe that God has been using that story to communicate to me that there is a new level of favor, access, and open doors coming to his people that are willing to take the risk of unconventional obedience. Unconventional obedience is […]