People/Things We Can’t Trust | Ministry And Business | @solomonsporchpodcast @solomonsporchp1 @trackstarz

People/Things We Can’t Trust | Ministry And Business | @solomonsporchpodcast @solomonsporchp1 @trackstarz

This week we wanted to talk about the relationship between ministry and business. How much of ministry requires a business mindset? In celebration of Read B Verses new album coming out soon, we did our top 5 people/things we can’t trust for our round 5 segment. News and Reviews (00:01-15:30) Montythehokage – Blessed ft. Seni. […]

Management Might Be A Better Path | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

Management Might Be A Better Path | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

There have been many athletes, artists, actors, and other professionals who have made their marks in history. We often see their talents and abilities but we miss the forces behind the scenes that made it possible. Behind every great artist there is great management. In this episode I talk about why management might be a […]

Why Finding Your Purpose Really Matters | @jasonbordeaux1@trackstarz

Why Finding Your Purpose Really Matters | @jasonbordeaux1@trackstarz

Why do we feel like purpose matters? A great teacher Myles Munroe once said, “Life without purpose is worst than death.” These are strong words, but they make since. Most individuals who are suffering from depression or anxiety have a common problem. They are not sure what their purpose is. So it is important for […]

The Purpose of Influence | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

The Purpose of Influence | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

Should we as believers try to gain influence? What is the purpose behind us gaining influence? There was an unfortunate situation that happened recently in which I saw influence play a major positive role. We had one of our staff members at Trackstarz who was attacked in his home with acid. He is still in […]

Make Due With What You Have | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

Make Due With What You Have | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

As a Christian, I am a huge fan of applying biblical principles to business. There is a very great principle that many have heard and it is being a good steward of what you are given. Making due with what you have. This applies to our personal lives and our side hustle/business. No matter what […]

Work Like A Volunteer | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

Work Like A Volunteer | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

I know I know, the title probably doesn’t make sense right away. Stay with me though. I promise I have a point to make. My daughter was granted a wish from the Make-A-Wish foundation. They sent us to Disney for a whole week. It was a major blessing and my family had a great time. […]