A Letter to the Unbeliever | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

What is going on everyone!! Whether you have been tracking with my articles or not, I previously did a series of articles called “Dear Christians”. In this series, I essentially wrote letters from different perspectives. I would write them from Christians, to Christians, and so forth. This week, I want to flip it. I want […]

Dear Christians | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

Dear Christians | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

What’s going on everyone!! So for this week, I want to call us all up as believers, to keep us all accountable for how we are living and the light that we are showing. To be very honest, this article may hurt some feelings, and I am totally okay with that. This is for me […]

Time DOES NOT Heal All!! | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

Time DOES NOT Heal All!! | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

What is going on everyone!! I know I have been ghost on here lately, but I am coming back with a vengeance!! I’m sure we have all heard that statement, “time heals all”. I actually don’t believe that statement is true. Time itself doesn’t heal relationships. It doesn’t heal or mend wounds. Time should be […]

Prayer: Intimate Communication | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

Prayer: Intimate Communication | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

What’s going on everyone. The article this week is tough for me. It’s tough because the very thing I’m writing about is something I’ve been honestly struggling with recently. I’ve noticed that I have been putting prayer time with God on the back burner. I honestly hate that I’ve been neglecting communicating with God, but […]

CHH and the Myth of Accountability | @trackstarz @kennyfresh_1914

CHH and the Myth of Accountability | @trackstarz @kennyfresh_1914

What does it mean to hold someone accountable? Is there a qualifier that makes you a good candidate to be an accountability partner? I was unfamiliar with the concept of accountability before I started to listen to Christian Hip Hop but now I believe I grasp the concept. Being accountable to another person from what […]