3 Things Birdman Taught Me About “Respeck” | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz #MirrorMoment

3 Things Birdman Taught Me About “Respeck” | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz #MirrorMoment

Within the entertainment industry, interviews are an essential part of the business. As someone watches the interview, they can learn a lot about the person being interviewed or the person that is actually doing the interview. Sometimes, you can see powerful and insightful interviews and sometimes you can see interviews end in disbelief and confusion. […]

Cheers to the Guys Who Make Us Smile| @intercession4aG @Trackstarz

Cheers to the Guys Who Make Us Smile| @intercession4aG @Trackstarz

In a time where the disappointment for many women is so real, we often wonder are there any good Godly brothers? Just when we want to close up our hearts, and give up on all hope; then a brother comes along and makes us smile, reminding us of why we had the dream for real […]

Don’t Feed The Trolls | @trackstarz @kennyfresh_1914

Don’t Feed The Trolls | @trackstarz @kennyfresh_1914

What is something that everyone has but everyone doesn’t always want? The answer is: An opinion. We all have opinions about subjects we are passionate about and offer them online, whether they are welcome or not, is a whole different conversation. If you have been a part of the Christian Hip Hop culture for any […]

What is an Intercessor? | (@trackstarz @Intercession4aG)

What is an Intercessor? | (@trackstarz @Intercession4aG)

An intercessor is a watchman who stands in between God and man praying on behalf of what he sees, and what God lays on his heart. Jesus Christ was the number one intercessor. He stood between God and man making intercession on man’s behalf. The foundation of intercession is found in the book of Ezekiel […]

Never Be The Smartest In The Room | (@trackstarz @jasonbordeaux1 )

Never Be The Smartest In The Room | (@trackstarz @jasonbordeaux1 )

I often have questions about different areas in life. Questions are good though. I used to feel like I didn’t have enough faith in God if I asked questions, because as a child I was always told, “Don’t worry and just have faith.” I have learned that this method doesn’t really help. We should always […]

CHH and the Myth of Accountability | @trackstarz @kennyfresh_1914

CHH and the Myth of Accountability | @trackstarz @kennyfresh_1914

What does it mean to hold someone accountable? Is there a qualifier that makes you a good candidate to be an accountability partner? I was unfamiliar with the concept of accountability before I started to listen to Christian Hip Hop but now I believe I grasp the concept. Being accountable to another person from what […]

“Secular” Collaborations in CHH |@trackstarz @kennyfresh_1914

“Secular” Collaborations in CHH |@trackstarz @kennyfresh_1914

Quit your job. I need you, the reader of this article, to quit your job. Tell your employer that you can no longer “sit in the seat of the scornful,” cannot mix light and dark, and can’t work with secular people. You have no prospects of a job but now you can breathe easy because […]

Money Is A Tool (@jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz)

Money Is A Tool (@jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz)

In today’s church I hear so much talk against money. It seems as if money in itself is evil and should be avoided at all cost. If any churches have an abundance of money than they are often deemed as crooked. Should it be that way? How can we change the thought of money in […]

Heart Check | @trackstarz @Intercession4aG

Heart Check | @trackstarz @Intercession4aG

I love to do something called a heart check periodically. A heart check is a check of how tuned in my heart’s affections are toward the things of God. Most importantly, how in tuned my heart’s affections are toward the greatest commandment: He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with […]