Where’s The Grace? | @trackstarz @kennyfresh_1914

The saying goes “They will know we are Christians by our love” but where is it in the modern day church? When speaking with those disillusioned with the church they all have similar things such as “the church is full of hypocrites” or the “Christians are some of the meanest people I know.” As someone […]

Insight From My Garden (@trackstarz @thisisraysurnet)

My family and I are growing our own garden. This is funny to me as I’ve never even been able to keep a cactus alive, but we forge on nonetheless. Every step of this process has been amazing to me! I don’t consider myself a survivalist but I do see a need for self sufficiency. […]

Loyalty| @Mike_Sarge @trackstarz

Whenever you see an article or video concerning the topic of loyalty, the focus is usually on other people and how loyal they’re not. But what about you? Better yet: Are you loyal to yourself? That question alone comes off pretty arrogant doesn’t it? So what’s the issue? As believers, we understand that we should […]

Gospel Hip Hop Masterpiece | @trackstarz @kennyfresh_1914

It must be a frustrating time for CHH or Christians doing hip hop, it just must be. Why? Because once again someone has dropped an album using elements and themes of “Christian” music and it is getting praise from mainstream media outlets. For those blissfully unaware, Chance the Rapper dropped a mixtape Coloring Book on May […]