Honor The Position of Leadership |Bordeaux Business Blog| @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

Up until now I have mostly focused on business tips for those who are running a business of their own. Many of those tips can be used by anyone in the workplace but now I will try to focus on workplace tips in general. One of the first that I want to mention is honoring the leadership in your organization. You may not agree with all the decisions being made or understand the moves that are being made, but that does not give you a reason to disrespect them. There are a few easy tips to keep in mind when regarding leadership. This is important because when it comes time for leadership to start looking for individuals to promote or ask for opinions, they will focus on those who have shown the most respect. If you want to advance in the workplace it is important that you show your superiors honor and respect.

Here are a few tips to remember:

  1. Never talk negatively about the leaders or their decisions to other employees. If it reaches those who you are referring to then it can look bad on yourself.
  2. If you have legitimate concerns then try approaching those who are involved with the decisions directly if possible. Do not do this in front of other coworkers, as this could look as if you are challenging their position instead of showing concern for the outcome.
  3. Even if you don’t agree with the decisions being made or think it’s not the best method, show them the respect of following their outline for the process anyway. If you have raised your concerns with them privately, then you have done your part. If things need to be adjusted or changed then the situation will usually reflect that eventually.

This may not affect every job market but the idea should apply in all areas of business. Honoring leadership in every way possible. Every situation can usually fall back on the golden rule of treating others the way you would like to be treated.

Jason Bordeaux

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