Let The Past Be In The Past| #MarriageMonday | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz
In many marriages, mistakes are going to happen. Many times they could be small mistakes, like a spouse not helping with chores (cooking, cleaning, kids, etc) for the house or an engagement event (date night, birthday, etc). Other mistakes can be huge, like arguments that get aggressive (verbally or physically) or even adultery. If we continue […]
Make Your Presence Known | #MarriageMonday | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz
The enemy and temptation is always lurking around the corner. This is why it is very important to be active and know where and what our spouse is doing. Understand that trust is needed as well. Don’t be led by jealously or envy, but by the Holy Spirit. By simply being passive in engaging with activities […]
What I Think Kirk Cameron Meant | #MarriageMonday | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz #KirkCameron
Last week, Kirk Cameron was the eye of the target (again), because of his comments about marriage. He came under fire for saying that “Wives are to honor and respect and follow their husband’s lead, not to tell their husband how he ought to be a better husband. When each person gets their part right, […]
Honor the Mother in Your House| #MarriageMonday | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz
This week, we will be celebrating Mother’s Day. Men, whether you have children or not, you need to honor your spouse. Whether she is raising and training the children or holding down the responsibilities within the house… she is the Mother of the house. Take this week to honor the mother of your house […]
Move Your Emotions | #MarriageMonday | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz
This past weekend, I was moving my family into our new house in Georgia (Praise God). Of course, as many of you know, moving can be a challenge on the nerves. There were several times when my wife and I bumped heads and got frustrated. After the move, we reevaluated the move and realized what we […]
Acknowledge Your Anniversary | #MarriageMonday | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz
Celebrating a wedding anniversary is a big deal! You are celebrating 365 days of making it beyond divorce, circumstances and obstacles. Never take that day lightly. Whether you go to a fancy restaurant or go visit the place you first met, you need to do something special for that day. You need to use that […]
You Can’t Unbake A Cake | #MarriageMonday | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz
Divorce should never be an option in a marriage. Divorce is similar to unbaking a cake. Cake has several ingredients: flour, baking soda, butter, salt, eggs, milk and vanilla extract. These ingredients make a complete cake. None of those items taste good by themselves (ok possible milk or vanilla extract) or can give you the […]
Partner And Don’t Part Ways With Your Spouse| #MarriageMonday | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz
One of the perks of being married is having a partner to experience life with. When you have life accomplishments or life disappointments, you should always partner with your spouse. When you have to make decisions, you should partner with your spouse. When you don’t partner with your spouse, you are telling them that […]
Be Interested In Their Interests| #MarriageMondays | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz
It’s pretty obvious that you and your spouse won’t be interested in all of the same things. This is completely fine and normal. This is what makes us unique and allows us to learn more about each other. With that being said, we should always show interest in what your spouse thinks is important. Take […]
Value The Vent | #MarriageMonday| @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz
We would be in denial if we think our spouses never get angry. Whether it’s something you or the kids did (or didn’t do), something work related or just being overwhelmed in life…. they will need to let off some steam. With many of us, we think the act of doing this isn’t right […]