Value The Vent | #MarriageMonday| @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz


We would be in denial if we think our spouses never get angry. Whether it’s something you or the kids did (or didn’t do), something work related or just being overwhelmed in life…. they will need to let off some steam. With many of us, we think the act of doing this isn’t right or unhealthy. We may ask them to stop or tune it out. When you truly look at it, the problem isn’t that they are upset, but that you won’t let them have an outlet.

By venting, your spouse is saying they trust you enough to listen. Many times they may not even want a resolution, but just to know that someone cares about how they feel. By listening, this creates a deeper connection for both of you and could possibly create resolutions for various issues that you may have. Remember, deaf ears can cause death in a marriage and listening creates life in a relationship. Value the Vent. Spread The Soup!