The Mic Drop Review Part 2 – A Conversation with Darius West

The Mic Drop Review Part 2 – A Conversation with Darius West

In my previous article I discussed the history making documentary Mic Drop: The Culture of Christian Hip Hop. After posting the article I got the opportunity to the director of the film himself, Darius West. Here is a look at our conversation. Enjoy! How about a little of your backstory? Grew up with a single […]

Mic Drop: The Culture of Christian Hip Hop – A Review by Addison Gill

Mic Drop: The Culture of Christian Hip Hop – A Review by Addison Gill

A few days ago, history was made. The first ever Christian Hip Hop Documentary, Mic Drop: The Culture of Christian Hip Hop, was released on November 14, 2023. This film was seven years in the making.  Directed by Darius West and featuring several of the CHH pioneers, including Stephen Wiley, Sup the Chemist, Fred Lynch […]

HIStory: Our Place in His Story – A Throwback Album Review By Addison Gill

HIStory: Our Place in His Story – A Throwback Album Review By Addison Gill

Hailing from Philadelphia, running from the late 90s to the late 2000s, known for their deep theological lyricism mixed with urban edge, these legends in Christian Hip Hop have truly made history.   The Cross Movement has been a staple in Christian Hip Hop pretty much since their first release  in 1997. After over a […]

ROAR and the Meaning of Worship

ROAR and the Meaning of Worship

ROAR And the Meaning of Worship   By Addison Gill   This past Sunday, Easter to be specific, I had the opportunity to spend my evening at ROAR. Now what is ROAR? I guess in simplest terms it was a concert but to the creators of this ministry, it goes much deeper than that. The […]

What Happened At Asbury? | @adb_627 @trackstarz

What Happened At Asbury? | @adb_627 @trackstarz

What Happened At Asbury? Written by: Addison Gill Picture by: Relevant Magazine   For the majority of this event, I had no clue what was even happening. As memes and articles started to surface, I assumed that a mega-church, run by a celebrity pastor was having some big extravagant event. Needless to say, I was […]