3 P’s of Psalms 16:11 | @chicangeorge @trackstarz

Psalms 16:11“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

David delivers a powerful verse to us in Psalms 16:11. He reminds us of three promises God gives us as we follow him. He happens to gives us these promises in a form of “P” words. Let’s look at those 3 P’s of this verse:

Path of life– God will allow us to know the path of life when we follow him. While many are on the road of destruction, God is leading us of his wisdom and instruction that gives life unto us and those around us.

Presence of Joy– Being around God (through prayer, praise and worship, etc), he promises to give us true joy.

Pleasures that are Eternal– God promises us eternity in heaven with him as we follow him. Rather than having material pleasures, God gives us an eternal pleasure of returning with him to heaven.

This week, reflect on this verse and the “P’s” that it gives us. Spread The Soup!