Hand Full Of Flour| @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz

1 Kings 17:12– ” As surely as the Lord your God lives,” she replied, “I don’t have any bread—only a handful of flour in a jar and a little olive oil in a jug. I am gathering a few sticks to take home and make a meal for myself and my son, that we may eat it—and die.”

Many times, we go through life thinking that we only have a “handful.” Whether it is from circustances or simply our selfishness, many of us don’t want to give. We feel that if we get rid of our “handful of flour,” then we won’t get anything else in life. By the way, I’m not speking to non believers…I’m speaking to Christians. Many of us are afraid to give time, tithes or our talents out of fear. Many of us literally feel as though our giving could lead to our death. We must have faith (not fear) that God will and can provide. Today, I challenge us and this week to extend your faith and our handful of flour to God and see what he can do with it! Spread The Soup!