Tarcea Renee – Godly Ambition

Tarcea Renee’s career in the music business started at age nine when she delved into writing lyrics and making beats on FL Studio 5. Being raised in North St. Louis City and the 90’s era of Hip-Hop culture strongly influenced her music for 12 years. In 2010, Tarcea Renee yielded her life to Christ, which altered the course of her music career. “Although I became a Christian, I didn’t feel right rushing to become a Christian rapper. Before that, I rapped about what I knew: the streets, money, drugs, and other life experiences, but I didn’t know God. So, I felt a need to pause and get to know Him before attempting to rap about Him.”By 2013, Tarcea Renee released her first solo album, garnering over 10k downloads. Following her 2013 release, in 2015 the success of her Change Over Currency EP made way for a mini tour in St. Louis and Illinois. Since then, she’s built a catalog of many projects and singles. As time passed and the demand increased to release more music, she learned to record, mix and master most of her records and records for other artists.

Today, she owns a non-profit recording studio and record label, Vivid Core Music, founded in 2017. As a recording artist and engineer, she encourages unbelievers and empowers believers through Christ-centered art.

Website: https://vividcoremusic.com
Twitter: @TarceaRenee
Facebook: https://facebook.com/TarceaRenee

YouTube: https://youtu.be/wqffL89L5EU

Song Link: https://nectardistro.com/wp-content/uploads/formidable/56/Tarcea-Renee-Godly-Ambition.mp3
Cover Link: https://nectardistro.com/wp-content/uploads/formidable/56/Godly-Ambition-1000×1000-1-150×150.jpg
Press Photo Link: https://nectardistro.com/wp-content/uploads/formidable/56/TarceaRenee-GA-Press1-150×150.png