Streetlights Bible | Big Announcements | @slbible @trackstarz

Streetlights is now a 501c3 nonprofit and entering a new season of growth! Streetlights ministry started over a decade ago under GRIP Outreach For Youth, a non-profit in Chicago, and they are now beginning a new chapter of ministry as their own organization. They are continuing their call to translate and teach the Bible through three Missional Lanes: 1. Produce and Engage with God’s Word 2. Proclaim the Gospel and 3. Multiply Gospel Communicators. These newly defined lanes include new languages for the Streetlights Audio Bible, dynamic direct-to-palm video teaching, continued Gospel proclamation and the multiplication of the next generation of Gospel communicators.

They will be introducing “Portraits of Jesus Christ.” This will be a recording of the Psalms in multiple languages in partnership with the Streetlights Global Teams located in Latin America, Europe & Africa. The 3 Compilations are powerful ministry tools as they survey the 12 Psalms and Isaiah 53 exploring the many facets of Jesus Christ.

This compilation will be available in 3 languages: English, Spanish, and Wolof and represents the beginning of Streetlights Production in multiple languages to serve the global need for God’s Word!

By God’s grace, Streetlights Bible is supported entirely by the generosity of others. Your financial gifts go right back into the production of their three lanes of ministry: producing God’s Word, proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus and multiplying Gospel communicators. Please consider praying and giving financially to this next season of God’s ministry through Streetlights. Check out ther video or go for more info.