Can We Talk

Miraql3 “I’m On One” (@Miraql3Mhp @TrackStarz)

MIRAQL3 did it once again with his new phenomenal single ” I’M ON ONE “. Not only does his production screams out of this world but his remarkable voice cadences also will blow your mind. These vibrant melodies are definitely captivating to the ears of any listener. You may be wondering what I’M ON ONE […]
Introducing IllTalian | @illtalian @trackstarz @nectarelite

Trackstarz has been making moves with the Nectar distribution partnering with artists such as Mike Sarge, Surf Gvng, Loso, among various others. One of the newest editions to Nectar is an artist known as Illtalian. For those who aren’t familiar with him here’s a little bit about him. Illtalian is an award-winning rapper of Italian and […]
Spak Challenge!

Hi Everyone! This is Ric Sincere with Trackstarz. I’m super excited about the release of my upcoming debut album Beyond Belief and grateful for all of the love and support thus far. To return the favor, I want give you the opportunity to share your gifts for a chance to be featured on the remix […]