Trackstarz Very Own Camille Priscilla Heads To India To Teach Biology| @camillepriscill @trackstarz

Hey Trackstarz Family, Camille Priscilla here! Hope you all are doing well! This summer, I had an amazing opportunity to teach Tibetan monks biology in India and wanted to share my experience with my Trackstarz family. I am so thankful! Thank you to both of my incredible translators (Thokney Aadhentsang and Tashi Tendar) and […]
Jered Sanders | “Hurry Up & Wait” | @jeredsanders @trackstarz

Ladies and gentlemen the wait is over! The new project from God Over Money artist, Jered Sanders, is here! It’s available now on all digital platforms. Jered takes you on a musical journey about truly being patient and learning to wait on God through the circumstances of life. If you didn’t tune in live to […]
Derek Minor | “The Trap” Preorder | @thederekminor @rmgtweets @trackstarz
Derek Minor has a new project available now for preorder. His new albums is entitled “The Trap.” It is available now for preorder on ITunes and Google Play. When you preorder 5 tracks are immediately available. Three songs were previously released – “It Is What It Is“, “Of Course” featuring Byron Juane and “Decisions” featuring […]
Hurry Up & Wait

Jered Sanders joins the live show!
Aaron Cole “Down Like That” | @iamaaroncole @colewalowac @krayfilms @trackstarz

Aaron Cole drops a New Video “Down Like That” which appears to actually be a part-2 to his other video for the song “Motions”. Song is out and available on all digital outlets. [youtube]