It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
Christmas is here. Retail therapy is off the ever loving chain right now! Stores are extending hours and offering all kinds of deals on the hottest items. You know you’ve seen that commercial for that one thing you want a million times just this week. This is the commercialized side of the Christmas holiday.
It’s cliché to hear remember the true meaning of Christmas. Isn’t ironic that the the most joyous and festive time of the year is the time when we’re supposed to be focused on celebrating Christ? But then the world not only tries to distract us from God but focuses us on worldly pleasures.
It’s not wrong to buy gifts and enjoy the holiday with family and friends; however, it’s important that we each know the real meaning behind it all. I know there are some who say it’s a pagan holiday and we shouldn’t celebrate it at all. It’s not my intent to try and argue or debate that point. I’m simply stating that if you name the name of Christ or call yourself a Christian, this season is just another opportunity for you to express and share the love of Christ whether you buy gifts or not.
God is not looking at how much stuff we can buy to put under a tree. He is looking for Christ to be in our hearts and to share as much of the of Christ as we can. This world is hurting and is in desperate need of the savior. I heard it said once that we say we are to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Do you realized what happened to the hands and feet of Jesus? Nails.
Don’t be scared. If we suffer with Him, meaning Christ, we shall also reign with Him. We have victory. While the devil may be busy trying to cut off God’s plan, God is working things out for our good in secret to eventually reveal His glory.
Just like anyone else, I love the nostalgia. The time with family and friends and the memories created. It’s all worth it, even more when I can look to my Heavenly Father and thank Him for all He has done in my life and glad that I’ve received the ultimate gift that came in a manger – Christ the Lord.
That leads us to our Throwback Song of the Week. In 2004, Cross Movement released a compilation album featuring CM and other artists on the Cross Movement Records label. It was entitled “Gift Rap.” Not your usual Christmas songs. It was an eleven track album that gave a biblical Christian world view on the real meaning of Christmas.
This particular song is entitled “Tell You Why” and features Da T.R.U.TH. A smoothed our reminder of the nostalgia and the true meaning of Christmas. Tune in to Trackstarz this Saturday to hear DJ Jeremaya spin this for the Throwback Song of the Day. Until next time…Merry Christmas!
Peace and blessings,