Faith based Queens emcee Th3 Saga came back in a major way! Not that he went anywhere but cats stay swearing Th3 Saga fell off. How Sway? During the Born Legacy 5 Event Th3 Saga battled Tink Da Demon and the internet been rumbling about it ever since. Veteran Tay Roc asked Th3 Saga how it felt to get his first body. The battle was uploaded once but had cut Th3 Saga’s first round in half and was shortly deleted after it. The crowd was chanting “3-0” for Saga by the end of the third round. This may be the best Saga we’ve seen in a minute, but don’t believe me check out what others said about the battle. Oh and the battle has been out less than 24 hours and it’s already over 100,000 views. Look at God.