Growing up in the OC, we had very few churches that had Hymnals for worship and celebration. Since moving out of state, I have been attending a church with Hymnals and I can not begin to express the blessing it is to sing these songs. They are deep, honoring, meaningful and so expressive. For the next few Sundays (maybe longer), I will be sharing the lyrics to some songs with you all and I pray it truly blesses you. For those of you who grew up with hymns, I pray it reminds you of the blessing they bring. Here’s to growth, faith and a renewed Joy through song in worship.
My Tribute
Not to us, O Lord…but to Your name be the glory Ps.115:1
How can I say thanks for the things You have done for me
Things so undeserved, yet You give to prove Your love for me?
The voices of a million angels could not express my gratitude
All that I am and ever hope to be, I owe it all to Thee.
To God be the glory, to God be the glory;
To God be the glory for the things He has done.
With His blood He has saved me; With His pow’r He has raised me;
To God be the glory For the things He has done.
Just let me live my life; Let it be pleasing Lord, to Thee.
And should I gain any praise, Let it go to Calvary with His.