CHH: The Past, The Present & The Future Part 1 | Throwback Theology | @damo_seayn3d @trackstarz
This is my first article for the Throwback Theology series and I wasn’t sure what direction to go in with it. Especially, seeing the awesome job my brother Chican George has been doing with this series. Shout out to him for that. In that vein, since it’s a changing of the guard, I thought it […]
Review of Passion Conference 2017 | Blog| @RuyGuy92 @trackstarz

What’s up everyone!! I must say, I am EXHAUSTED, but not in a bad way. Beware, because this may get long haha. For the past three days, I have been at Passion Conference 2017 in Atlanta, Georgia. Gathering with 50,000 other 18-25 year olds, we all lifted up the name of Jesus to bring in […]