You Are Not Being Punished You Are Being Promoted Part III @intercession4ag @trackstarz

The Lies We Fight in Suffering Below are some of the lies that we have to fight against while going through seasons of suffering that attempt to shift our perspective into something other than the truth. These lies tempt us into making poor choices, and having a cold heart toward the Lord. However, when we […]
Cypha Ixous | Soul Survivor Vol.1 Album Review | @Cypha_IX_ @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz

The term “Soul Survivor” is usually given to someone who has overcome hard times through circustances and relationships. For Newark emcee, Cypha Ixous, he shows us that he can proudly wear that term with his “Soul Survivor Vol.1” Album. I have to say, Cypha really pulls me in within the intro track “Soul Survivor.” This is […]
3 “R” Reasons you should attend Flavor Fest | @Chicangeorge @Trackstarz @Flavorfest

FlavorFest is right around the corner (October 6th through the 9th to be exact)! Not only will the Trackstarz crew be in the building, but there are so many benefits for artists, producers and fans of CHH culture. Here are 3 “R’s” why you should be attending this year: Rise- This year’s theme is […]