The Comeback Kids | @Mike_Sarge @Trackstarz

Let’s be honest about something: we ALL have issues. Regardless of how we try to look at some struggles to be worse than others, we recognize there are things in our lives that need to be addressed. We need to correct wrong directions or compensate for bad decisions. Occasionally, we need a ‘Comeback.’

An example of a great comeback would be Peter. Why is he a good example? Well, if you know anything about Peter, most would say he had failure written all over him.

1st – He nearly drowned when his faith faltered (Matthew 14:30)
2nd – He would say things so wrong that Jesus literally called him “Satan” (Matthew 16:22-23)
3rd – When Jesus needed Peter the most, he denied that he even knew Jesus (Matthew 26:74)

Despite all of these things happening, the story doesn’t end there. Matter a fact, Peter made a comeback. On the day of Pentecost, he preached and 3,000 people came to faith in Christ (Acts 2:14, 41). Peter became effective again because his faith was renewed, he guarded what he said, and he stood up for Jesus.

So what are you waiting on? Have you been struggling? If Peter can come back, so can you!