Submit your new music video for inclusion on our brand new leaks site that is distributed to viewers around the world.

Does your music video contain explicit language, sexual content, or racial slurs? *
Include any featured titles, artists, and twitter handles i.e. Artist1 - Title ft. Artist2, Artist3 (@artist1 @artist2 @artist3)
Cover Art Upload *

Maximum file size: 10MB

Must be a square High Resolution image.
Upload mp3 *

Maximum file size: 21MB

Your video submission to Trackstarz is free, However, if you want us to save you time and submit your music to hundreds of music blogs, Spotify playlists curators, magazines, radio stations, and outlets including All Hip Hop, Hip Hop DX, XKSC Radio, Rapzilla, His Hop Nation, CHH Insider, New H2O, Christlike Radio, Power 77 Radio, Prayz, Keep it Real Talk Radio, Art Soul Radio, Transformation Radio, Coalition Kingdom DJs, DJ Will, Pigeons and Planes, and all of our Radio Outlets, in the exact format they request it in, you can use our Single Maximizer Tool. If they like your song they will respond to you directly with the next steps; however, most outlets will either post or reject your submission without letting you know. This does not guarantee placement! This is just a tool to save you time submitting to each of the outlets individually.

Would you like to add the Single Maximizer for $50?