Wande Launches WIN Beauty | @omgitswande @winbeauty._ @trackstarz
Wande is a woman of many hats. As if being a recording artist, consulting, producing wasn’t enough, she’s added one more feather in her cap. Wande has expanded the Wande Isola Network(WIN) empire with WIN Beauty. Wande is known for her fashion sense(she is Ms. “She Got Aesthetic” right?), and has launched a shop with […]
Wande Releases First Episode of WIN Radio | @omgitswande @jackiehillperry @jamiegraceh @theerinnaffect @trackstarz
Wande AKA “5’2″ but got big bars,” continues to make moves and bring women to the forefront. She recently released the first episode of WIN(Wande Isola Network) Radio, where Wande has guests on her show and they talk about life and God. For her first episode she interviewed Jackie Hill Perry, Jamie Grace, and Erinn […]